The Rules
1. The name of this club shall be 'WEST FARLEIGH SPORTS CLUB'.
2 The objective of the club is to; "through sport, improve the wellbeing of our community".
3. The club shall play, but not exclusively: (a) Football, in accordance with the rules governed by the FA and S&DFL (b) Cricket, in accordance with the laws governed by the MCC, KCC and the KCVL. (c) Netball, In accordance the rules of England Netball and MMNL
4. The officers of the club shall consist of President; Chairman; Vice-Chairman; Secretary and Treasurer. The officers of this club shall be elected at the Club Annual General Meeting, (or an EGM) from and by members of the Club.
5. The Management Committee shall consist of, in addition to the Club Officers; one representative from each of the adult teams, one from the junior section, a social representative, the Trustees of the ground leases held by the club and up to two other ‘player’ representatives, (1 cricket, 1 football). Vice Presidents shall be ex-officio, non-voting, members of the Management Committee. Five voting members will form a quorum and this must include at least two Officers of the Club.
6. The management of this club shall be vested in the Management Committee. This committee shall organise and supervise events in the interest of the club; shall have full control over the funds of the club and sole power of incurring liabilities of this club; shall fill casual vacancies among officers and the committee and appoint sub-committees or delegate responsibility to any body of persons for any purpose.
7. The football and cricket captains and vice-captains, and selection committees shall be elected at the respective football section and cricket section’s Annual General Meetings.
8. During the year the Management Committee shall meet as frequently as deemed necessary.
9. The officers and committees of this club shall retire annually and shall be eligible for re-election.
10. The financial year shall be from 1st April to 31st March.
11. The Annual General Meeting of this club shall be held not later than 30th May, when the Treasurer shall render a financial statement for the preceding year. A person nominated and approved by the Management Committee will independently verify the accounts.
12. Vice-Presidents shall be invited to make a donation to the Club.
13. Members of the Club shall pay an annual (1st April to 31st March) membership fee. A match tax levy shall also be made on players at every football and cricket match. The annual subscription shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting of the Club. The rate of match tax to be levied for the forthcoming season shall be decided at the Annual General Meetings of the cricket and football sections. The management committee may set a discretionary match tax for any members in full time education or unemployed. The Management Committee may exercise discretion on determining the subscription to be paid by persons; joining the club during the football or cricket seasons or in any other special circumstances. The members shall be personally responsible for any disciplinary fines; in exceptional circumstances if in the opinion of the Management Committee the fine is unjust, they may consider reimbursing the member concerned.
14. Subscriptions shall become due as follows: Cricket playing members, 1st June; Football playing members, 1st November. Members may be allowed one month's grace. Should a member then fail to pay within 14 days, he shall, if the Management Committee so decide, cease to be a member of this club.
15. The rights and usage of the football and cricket grounds shall be governed by the terms and conditions contained in the respective lease agreements.
16. All members shall be given at least 14 days notice of any General Meeting.
17. The Secretary shall convene a Special General Meeting of this club at any time upon receiving a request to that effect signed by not less than ten members of the club.
18. No alterations shall be made in the rules of this club except by a majority of two-thirds of the members present at a General Meeting.
19. All expenditure shall be authorised by the Management Committee or their delegated nominee(s).
20. All funds shall be used to promote and facilitate the objective of the club.
21. In the event of the dissolution of the Club, any assets remaining after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the Club, but shall be given or transferred to one or more of the following approved sporting or charitable bodies:
(a). A registered charitable organisation(s).
(b) Another Club which is a registered CASC
(c) The sports national governing body for use by them for related community sports.
22 Trustees
22.1 The property of the Club must be vested in 4 or more trustees appointed by the Management Committee.
22.2 The trustees must deal with the property as the Management Committee from time to time directs by resolution (of which an entry in the minute book is to be conclusive evidence).
22.3 The trustees may be indemnified against risk and expense out of the Club property,
22.4 The trustees will hold office until death or resignation or until removal from office by the Management Committee.
22.5 Where by reason of death, resignation or removal it is necessary for a new trustee or trustees to be appointed, the Management Committee must nominate the person or persons to be appointed the new trustee or trustees.
22.6 For the purpose of giving effect to such nomination the Chairman is now nominated as the person to appoint new trustees of the Club within the meaning of the Trustee Act 1925 Section 36, and he must by deed appoint the person or persons nominated by the Management Committee.
23 Borrowing
23.1 If at any time the Club in general meeting passes a resolution authorising the Management Committee to borrow money, the Management Committee may then borrow for the purposes of the Club the amount of money, either at one time or from time to time, at the rate of interest, in the form and manner and upon the security specified in the resolution.
23.2 The trustees must at the discretion of the Management Committee make all dispositions of the Club property or any part of it and enter into any agreements in relation to it as the Management Committee deem proper for giving security for any loans and interest.
23.3 Every member of the Club, whether voting on the resolution or not, and any one becoming a member of the Club after the passing of the resolution, is deemed to have assented to the resolution as if he or she had voted in favour of it.
May 2016
Data Protection Policy:
WFSC only holds electronic data of its members, players and patrons (previous and present) such that it can legitimately carry out the reasonable running of the Sports Club's activities. It will not share this data with third parties. If you wish to know how more on how WFSC complies with the GDPR rules please contact us.
2 The objective of the club is to; "through sport, improve the wellbeing of our community".
3. The club shall play, but not exclusively: (a) Football, in accordance with the rules governed by the FA and S&DFL (b) Cricket, in accordance with the laws governed by the MCC, KCC and the KCVL. (c) Netball, In accordance the rules of England Netball and MMNL
4. The officers of the club shall consist of President; Chairman; Vice-Chairman; Secretary and Treasurer. The officers of this club shall be elected at the Club Annual General Meeting, (or an EGM) from and by members of the Club.
5. The Management Committee shall consist of, in addition to the Club Officers; one representative from each of the adult teams, one from the junior section, a social representative, the Trustees of the ground leases held by the club and up to two other ‘player’ representatives, (1 cricket, 1 football). Vice Presidents shall be ex-officio, non-voting, members of the Management Committee. Five voting members will form a quorum and this must include at least two Officers of the Club.
6. The management of this club shall be vested in the Management Committee. This committee shall organise and supervise events in the interest of the club; shall have full control over the funds of the club and sole power of incurring liabilities of this club; shall fill casual vacancies among officers and the committee and appoint sub-committees or delegate responsibility to any body of persons for any purpose.
7. The football and cricket captains and vice-captains, and selection committees shall be elected at the respective football section and cricket section’s Annual General Meetings.
8. During the year the Management Committee shall meet as frequently as deemed necessary.
9. The officers and committees of this club shall retire annually and shall be eligible for re-election.
10. The financial year shall be from 1st April to 31st March.
11. The Annual General Meeting of this club shall be held not later than 30th May, when the Treasurer shall render a financial statement for the preceding year. A person nominated and approved by the Management Committee will independently verify the accounts.
12. Vice-Presidents shall be invited to make a donation to the Club.
13. Members of the Club shall pay an annual (1st April to 31st March) membership fee. A match tax levy shall also be made on players at every football and cricket match. The annual subscription shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting of the Club. The rate of match tax to be levied for the forthcoming season shall be decided at the Annual General Meetings of the cricket and football sections. The management committee may set a discretionary match tax for any members in full time education or unemployed. The Management Committee may exercise discretion on determining the subscription to be paid by persons; joining the club during the football or cricket seasons or in any other special circumstances. The members shall be personally responsible for any disciplinary fines; in exceptional circumstances if in the opinion of the Management Committee the fine is unjust, they may consider reimbursing the member concerned.
14. Subscriptions shall become due as follows: Cricket playing members, 1st June; Football playing members, 1st November. Members may be allowed one month's grace. Should a member then fail to pay within 14 days, he shall, if the Management Committee so decide, cease to be a member of this club.
15. The rights and usage of the football and cricket grounds shall be governed by the terms and conditions contained in the respective lease agreements.
16. All members shall be given at least 14 days notice of any General Meeting.
17. The Secretary shall convene a Special General Meeting of this club at any time upon receiving a request to that effect signed by not less than ten members of the club.
18. No alterations shall be made in the rules of this club except by a majority of two-thirds of the members present at a General Meeting.
19. All expenditure shall be authorised by the Management Committee or their delegated nominee(s).
20. All funds shall be used to promote and facilitate the objective of the club.
21. In the event of the dissolution of the Club, any assets remaining after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the Club, but shall be given or transferred to one or more of the following approved sporting or charitable bodies:
(a). A registered charitable organisation(s).
(b) Another Club which is a registered CASC
(c) The sports national governing body for use by them for related community sports.
22 Trustees
22.1 The property of the Club must be vested in 4 or more trustees appointed by the Management Committee.
22.2 The trustees must deal with the property as the Management Committee from time to time directs by resolution (of which an entry in the minute book is to be conclusive evidence).
22.3 The trustees may be indemnified against risk and expense out of the Club property,
22.4 The trustees will hold office until death or resignation or until removal from office by the Management Committee.
22.5 Where by reason of death, resignation or removal it is necessary for a new trustee or trustees to be appointed, the Management Committee must nominate the person or persons to be appointed the new trustee or trustees.
22.6 For the purpose of giving effect to such nomination the Chairman is now nominated as the person to appoint new trustees of the Club within the meaning of the Trustee Act 1925 Section 36, and he must by deed appoint the person or persons nominated by the Management Committee.
23 Borrowing
23.1 If at any time the Club in general meeting passes a resolution authorising the Management Committee to borrow money, the Management Committee may then borrow for the purposes of the Club the amount of money, either at one time or from time to time, at the rate of interest, in the form and manner and upon the security specified in the resolution.
23.2 The trustees must at the discretion of the Management Committee make all dispositions of the Club property or any part of it and enter into any agreements in relation to it as the Management Committee deem proper for giving security for any loans and interest.
23.3 Every member of the Club, whether voting on the resolution or not, and any one becoming a member of the Club after the passing of the resolution, is deemed to have assented to the resolution as if he or she had voted in favour of it.
May 2016
Data Protection Policy:
WFSC only holds electronic data of its members, players and patrons (previous and present) such that it can legitimately carry out the reasonable running of the Sports Club's activities. It will not share this data with third parties. If you wish to know how more on how WFSC complies with the GDPR rules please contact us.