Football AGM
20th May 2022 – At the Football Hut
Present: Paul Baines, Jo Prideaux, David Gilliver, Jon Beck, Darren Latter, Jake Fitzpatrick, Lewis Fawcett, Chris Day, Steve Whitehead, Jack Matthews, Jason Sadler, Ryan Donaghue, Jake Griggs,
Richard Ward
Apologies: Ian Pearce, Bill Norman
Minutes of previous meeting
Paul Baines read brief minutes from 2021 Football AGM.
Agreed as accurate and representative of the last AGM.
Summary of season 21/22 achievements.
Firsts had a great season and won the league. They are promoted to Kent League Central and East Division One.
Reserves rallied and managed to finish off the bottom of the table, thanks in part to 6 points from double header walkover late in the season.
The Vets disbanded.
The Youth section is still going strong, and it would be good to bring them closer to the club.
Elections of officers
First Team Manager (unfilled)
Darren is stepping down as he cannot commit to being there very week. There is no interest from within the club, so we need to advertise and find a manager from outside the club. Chris Day suggested a strict deadline is worked to so we can plan for a new challenging season.
Jake Griggs will use the social media accounts; David G will advertise on the Kent League website.
First Team Captain (unfilled)
Steve Whitehead is moving away. Let’s choose the captain from the squad once we know it. The club captain is an outdated concept. Let’s discuss it at the AGM.
Reserve Team Manager (Richard Ward)
Seconded and carried.
Reserve team Captain (unfilled)
Manager’s choice once the squad is known.
Junior Section Manager (Paul Beck)
Seconded and carried
Players Rep (Jack Matthews)
Seconded and carried.
Do we need to add a second ‘rep’, so each team is represented? Let’s revisit at a committee meeting once the season starts.
Playing squads and plans for the season.
The Youth section manages itself. The Vets remains mothballed.
The fists are in a new division and the reserves will likely be kept in the same league. This is TBC though at the S&DL AGM.
Jon Beck suggested we need a stronger squad. We used 53 players’ last season. The disparity between the teams is such that few players move between the teams. Tricky said we just need to get to the new season. The recruitment drive has already started. Darren suggested advertising again and Jake F volunteered to use Social Media.
Darren stated that we need to set the start date for training and for a trial session. It does depend on the search for the new manager also.
Manager search – who will conduct this. Who will interview? TBC.
David G – let me know the day and dates and I will book Valley Park again. No change in cost (£45/hour). Darren may help organise training if the new manager wants help. Can we afford 2/3 of a pitch instead of 1/3? Discuss with new manager.
Grounds, kit, and equipment
Jake Griggs said the players should be wearing club kit (tracksuits) as they arrive to games. The players do not want to pay for it though. Agreed to try and find sponsorship for this.
Jake G also commented that we need a stock take on the equipment as this needs to be updated, upgraded. Darren Latter will organise this. Match day and training equipment.
The Dugouts issue may come up again with the Kent League. We have special dispensation last season but that is not going to be indefinitely. DL said some refs comment. DG will ask for another season’s grace. Baino said, we aren’t moving the dugouts!
The crossbars need new hooks. Baino to sort.
As was mentioned at the last committee meeting, the line marker needs replacing or fixing. Jack M – can we burn on the lines to make it easier? Baino would rather not
Match tax and finance
The club is in a healthy condition and so long as the fireworks is supported the £10 fee, £8 to cover match tax and £2 to cover club subs, is to remain unchanged.
Ryan Donaghue questioned what the £8 covers. Baino suggested that, without knowing the figures, it covers ¾ of running costs and the rest is made up with fund-raising (mainly fireworks).
Darren Latter challenged the costs of football versus the costs of cricket. Can we work out how much the football part costs so it could be covered with sponsorship or fund raising and having removing match tax? Baino said, do the calculation and try and raise get sponsorship. Now we have more exposure in a higher league can we look at pitch side advertising, banners by the roadside etc? This is what other teams at our level are doing. Baino said see if anyone is interested and he can speak to the landowners. Not sure “The Village” would approve.
Richard Ward suggested agreeing the £10 now and then trying to work on sponsorship going forward. All agreed.
Tour is planned for the last weekend in July as usual and 16 are flying and 4 going by car.
Any other business
The entry fee to the Social club is putting players off going back. Baino to speak to Penny about a special one-off fee that may be covered by the club depending on how much it is.
9.10pm – end of meeting
Football AGM
20th May 2022 – At the Football Hut
Present: Paul Baines, Jo Prideaux, David Gilliver, Jon Beck, Darren Latter, Jake Fitzpatrick, Lewis Fawcett, Chris Day, Steve Whitehead, Jack Matthews, Jason Sadler, Ryan Donaghue, Jake Griggs,
Richard Ward
Apologies: Ian Pearce, Bill Norman
Minutes of previous meeting
Paul Baines read brief minutes from 2021 Football AGM.
Agreed as accurate and representative of the last AGM.
Summary of season 21/22 achievements.
Firsts had a great season and won the league. They are promoted to Kent League Central and East Division One.
Reserves rallied and managed to finish off the bottom of the table, thanks in part to 6 points from double header walkover late in the season.
The Vets disbanded.
The Youth section is still going strong, and it would be good to bring them closer to the club.
Elections of officers
First Team Manager (unfilled)
Darren is stepping down as he cannot commit to being there very week. There is no interest from within the club, so we need to advertise and find a manager from outside the club. Chris Day suggested a strict deadline is worked to so we can plan for a new challenging season.
Jake Griggs will use the social media accounts; David G will advertise on the Kent League website.
First Team Captain (unfilled)
Steve Whitehead is moving away. Let’s choose the captain from the squad once we know it. The club captain is an outdated concept. Let’s discuss it at the AGM.
Reserve Team Manager (Richard Ward)
Seconded and carried.
Reserve team Captain (unfilled)
Manager’s choice once the squad is known.
Junior Section Manager (Paul Beck)
Seconded and carried
Players Rep (Jack Matthews)
Seconded and carried.
Do we need to add a second ‘rep’, so each team is represented? Let’s revisit at a committee meeting once the season starts.
Playing squads and plans for the season.
The Youth section manages itself. The Vets remains mothballed.
The fists are in a new division and the reserves will likely be kept in the same league. This is TBC though at the S&DL AGM.
Jon Beck suggested we need a stronger squad. We used 53 players’ last season. The disparity between the teams is such that few players move between the teams. Tricky said we just need to get to the new season. The recruitment drive has already started. Darren suggested advertising again and Jake F volunteered to use Social Media.
Darren stated that we need to set the start date for training and for a trial session. It does depend on the search for the new manager also.
Manager search – who will conduct this. Who will interview? TBC.
David G – let me know the day and dates and I will book Valley Park again. No change in cost (£45/hour). Darren may help organise training if the new manager wants help. Can we afford 2/3 of a pitch instead of 1/3? Discuss with new manager.
Grounds, kit, and equipment
Jake Griggs said the players should be wearing club kit (tracksuits) as they arrive to games. The players do not want to pay for it though. Agreed to try and find sponsorship for this.
Jake G also commented that we need a stock take on the equipment as this needs to be updated, upgraded. Darren Latter will organise this. Match day and training equipment.
The Dugouts issue may come up again with the Kent League. We have special dispensation last season but that is not going to be indefinitely. DL said some refs comment. DG will ask for another season’s grace. Baino said, we aren’t moving the dugouts!
The crossbars need new hooks. Baino to sort.
As was mentioned at the last committee meeting, the line marker needs replacing or fixing. Jack M – can we burn on the lines to make it easier? Baino would rather not
Match tax and finance
The club is in a healthy condition and so long as the fireworks is supported the £10 fee, £8 to cover match tax and £2 to cover club subs, is to remain unchanged.
Ryan Donaghue questioned what the £8 covers. Baino suggested that, without knowing the figures, it covers ¾ of running costs and the rest is made up with fund-raising (mainly fireworks).
Darren Latter challenged the costs of football versus the costs of cricket. Can we work out how much the football part costs so it could be covered with sponsorship or fund raising and having removing match tax? Baino said, do the calculation and try and raise get sponsorship. Now we have more exposure in a higher league can we look at pitch side advertising, banners by the roadside etc? This is what other teams at our level are doing. Baino said see if anyone is interested and he can speak to the landowners. Not sure “The Village” would approve.
Richard Ward suggested agreeing the £10 now and then trying to work on sponsorship going forward. All agreed.
Tour is planned for the last weekend in July as usual and 16 are flying and 4 going by car.
Any other business
The entry fee to the Social club is putting players off going back. Baino to speak to Penny about a special one-off fee that may be covered by the club depending on how much it is.
9.10pm – end of meeting