MINUTES of the Cricket AGM - The Hut on Monday 4th March 2013
1. Members Present – Chairman PAB, President JM, Vice-chairman TB, Secretary IRP, Treasurer BT, John Gladwin JG, Paul Baines PJB, Tony Williams TW, Tom Williams TMW, Jamie Webb, Matt Brooke MB.
2. Apologies – No apologies.
3. Minutes of the previous meeting March 2012– were read and approved
4. Matters Arising
There were no matters arising
5. Election of Officers
1st Team Captain - Matt Brooke - Proposed Tom Williams, and carried unanimously
Fixture Secretary - Paul Baines – Proposed IRP and carried unanimously
League Representative – Terry Baines – Proposed PAB and carried unanimously
Extra Management Rep – Tony Williams – Proposed PJB and carried unanimously
6. Nets
There had been no nets organised this winter, but there was a suspicion that we may still owe Sutton Valence School a sum in the region of £36 from previous sessions; BT to investigate, and if we do to owe something, then this should be paid.
7. Spring Clean
This year’s spring clean was organised for Good Friday, 29th March at 10 o’clock.
8. Ground and Equipment
A new paddock roller had being bought to replace the old one that had broken.
The gang mowers were fully operational, and would be adjusted by PJB.
The square mowers would be serviced as necessary by TW
TW offered to paint the interior of the pavilion for £600, inc. floors and ceilings. This was agreed.
One of the scoreboard’s numbers has malfunctioned. PJB to investigate.
The new containers need attention to make them easier to lock/unlock. JM to investigate.
The long-awaited permanent net(s) at the ground to be further investigated, to see if this would be (economically) feasible in the next year. TMW, IRP and BT to investigate.
9 Fixtures
PJB handed round this year’s fixtures. All Saturdays were filled (20th April – 28th Sept) with the exception of 13th July, which was available for an away fixture, due to Sophie Payne’s wedding reception taking place at the cricket ground, and the 30th July (German tour weekend) which is also spare. These will be filled later, PJB to organise.
The league also wished to repeat organising a 20-20 tournament this year that would be based around using Tuesdays from the first week in June until mid-July.
10. Players
MB confirmed the squad of players would be very similar to last year, with the exception of Bob Grabham’s retirement on reaching 60 years of age. Bob had kindly donated £100 as a gift to the club for his ‘very enjoyable’ years at WFSC.
10. Match Tax
BT proposed to keep the match taxes the same at £10 and £5 for concessions; (teas should be set at £3 each to cover costs). Teas for visiting friendly fixtures should be set at £35 per team. Seconded by PJB and carried.
11. AOB
MB made the request for the club to encourage more juniors/younger players to the club. TB said he would put a plea in Life-Line.
Since there has been no annual dinner for the past couple of years, all the trophies were in need of updating.
TB and TMW to find worthy recipients, and update the trophies so to leave no gaps, for a presentation (BBQ?) at the end of the season.
It was muted that using sheep from the adjacent field to the cricket ground to keep the outfield down should be investigated. PJB to investigate.
As there was no other business the meeting closed at 9.30pm.
1. Members Present – Chairman PAB, President JM, Vice-chairman TB, Secretary IRP, Treasurer BT, John Gladwin JG, Paul Baines PJB, Tony Williams TW, Tom Williams TMW, Jamie Webb, Matt Brooke MB.
2. Apologies – No apologies.
3. Minutes of the previous meeting March 2012– were read and approved
4. Matters Arising
There were no matters arising
5. Election of Officers
1st Team Captain - Matt Brooke - Proposed Tom Williams, and carried unanimously
Fixture Secretary - Paul Baines – Proposed IRP and carried unanimously
League Representative – Terry Baines – Proposed PAB and carried unanimously
Extra Management Rep – Tony Williams – Proposed PJB and carried unanimously
6. Nets
There had been no nets organised this winter, but there was a suspicion that we may still owe Sutton Valence School a sum in the region of £36 from previous sessions; BT to investigate, and if we do to owe something, then this should be paid.
7. Spring Clean
This year’s spring clean was organised for Good Friday, 29th March at 10 o’clock.
8. Ground and Equipment
A new paddock roller had being bought to replace the old one that had broken.
The gang mowers were fully operational, and would be adjusted by PJB.
The square mowers would be serviced as necessary by TW
TW offered to paint the interior of the pavilion for £600, inc. floors and ceilings. This was agreed.
One of the scoreboard’s numbers has malfunctioned. PJB to investigate.
The new containers need attention to make them easier to lock/unlock. JM to investigate.
The long-awaited permanent net(s) at the ground to be further investigated, to see if this would be (economically) feasible in the next year. TMW, IRP and BT to investigate.
9 Fixtures
PJB handed round this year’s fixtures. All Saturdays were filled (20th April – 28th Sept) with the exception of 13th July, which was available for an away fixture, due to Sophie Payne’s wedding reception taking place at the cricket ground, and the 30th July (German tour weekend) which is also spare. These will be filled later, PJB to organise.
The league also wished to repeat organising a 20-20 tournament this year that would be based around using Tuesdays from the first week in June until mid-July.
10. Players
MB confirmed the squad of players would be very similar to last year, with the exception of Bob Grabham’s retirement on reaching 60 years of age. Bob had kindly donated £100 as a gift to the club for his ‘very enjoyable’ years at WFSC.
10. Match Tax
BT proposed to keep the match taxes the same at £10 and £5 for concessions; (teas should be set at £3 each to cover costs). Teas for visiting friendly fixtures should be set at £35 per team. Seconded by PJB and carried.
11. AOB
MB made the request for the club to encourage more juniors/younger players to the club. TB said he would put a plea in Life-Line.
Since there has been no annual dinner for the past couple of years, all the trophies were in need of updating.
TB and TMW to find worthy recipients, and update the trophies so to leave no gaps, for a presentation (BBQ?) at the end of the season.
It was muted that using sheep from the adjacent field to the cricket ground to keep the outfield down should be investigated. PJB to investigate.
As there was no other business the meeting closed at 9.30pm.