Tuesday 13th October 2020. 8pm – Zoom meeting
Present: Paul Baines, David Gilliver, Terry Baines, Alan Smith, Trevor Goldhagen, Bill Norman, Dave Baxter, Ian Morley, Tom Osbourne
Apologies: Darren McGrath, Tom McKellow,
The club has been placed in Div 3 and Div 7.
Tom O mentioned a grant (Return to cricket grant) that was available to clubs that had been severely affected by Covid and lockdown. It was felt that we couldn’t demonstrate this enough (even though we had been unable to fundraise).
Baino reported that although the club had ‘locked down’, that it was in good financial health.
The lease of the ground is up for renewal in 2023. The Goodwins have renewed for the last 70 years, so no reason to think they wouldn’t again. It is usually 5 year rolling but is now 15 years rolling. It was agreed that Baino would find out the notice we need to be given should they not want to renew.
Thanks to the outgoing players / members for their sterling work.
We did no use last year’s slots as they were cancelled due to the Covid lockdown. Trevor will ask Sutton Valance on the plans for this year, when the time is right.
Good Friday as per usual. Baino to select a day in addition to this once Spring springs.
A good start has been made on the cricket net and the new car park area. Thanks to those who have put n the work, and to The Rookery Estates.
The net needs to be completed. It is slightly more complicated than initially thought. Bill to work out the budget needed so it can be put to the committee. Aim to finish in time for the new season.
Sight Screen. DG read the following email from Matt Brooke:
“The club spent £1200 on a mobile cricket net. Someone then attached a huge white sheet to it to act as a mobile sight screen. This is now so bent and buckled by the wind acting like a sail, twisting the frame of the net that the cricket net is almost unusable. On the other side of the pitch we have a white sheet held up by a 200 ft zip line. This also doesn’t work and is not fit for purpose. In fact the load being put through a bracket that isnt square to the wall of the pavilion is a H+S issue.
I would suggest that the club has wasted money on these 'adaptions' and should purchase new purpose build sight screens. I think these are required in Div3 cricket anyway. I don't know if these 'adaptions' are decided at any meeting as I don't attend but I feel that actively damaging decent equipment with bad decisions like this does the club no favours. We have effectively spent £1,600 (?) and we now have a net that doesn't function and a 2 sight screens that don't function.
In fact, this 'dads army' approach puts people off wanting to support the club in purchasing new equipment or going to meetings when unilateral decisions are made that make no logical sense and, in my mind, actively damage others attempts to drive improvements.
If you would like a financial contribution to new sight screens i would be happy to support the club in that respect.
Initial replies to this are that it is a bit harsh but contains lots of facts. Baino is of the opinion that a ‘zip wire and sail’ design is fine for our purposes and the ‘old net and screen’ design is also suitable, but it should not be left out during the winter. Baino confirmed there is no requirement for a net in Division 3, but there is in Division 2 but there is no quality criteria. Alan suggests getting a heavier and new white sheet. It was agreed that if Matt wanted to come up with a solution and cost it out with a proposal for funding, then the committee would vote on it. DG to email suggestion to Matt.
New sight screens would cost £2,000 - £4,000 each.
It was reported by Baino that the thatch capping, cost of £4,000, had been agreed by the committee and would be arranged for the Spring 2021. It’s in the lease to upkeep the building. The land-owner does not want an alternative to thatch (i.e. Kent peg tiles).
The club has the go ahead on the program of tree pruning, from the council. We will do this in house at the put £1,000 for chopping and tidying. It needs to be done in Feb / March when they are out of leaf. There are 24 trees in total.
We have a new mower, which cost £2,500 and there are plenty of weekly chores for any volunteers!
The club will compete in Divisions 3 and 7. We will try and arrange 2 pre-season friendlies and 3 post-season friendlies. We will compete in the National Village Cup again.
We are losing some players, but it is agreed that we have enough for two teams. Last season was the first time we had to disappoint people as we had too many.
The treasurer has not asked for an increase.
The club subs to remain at £25 per annum and cricket match tax at £15 per week.
The club has 2 card readers available for use by all sports teams.
11. Teas
It was asked whether we should go back to making teas again next season. Trevor suggested providing tea and a cake, and the players bring their own. Alan questioned whether this is a club or a league decision. In the end it was decided to go back to making teas. We need to make it for the opposition, as they will for us.
12. AOB
12.1 There will be no end of season awards.
12.2 Succession: Trevor re-iterated his point from the last AGM that there are no succession plans and that most of the work in carried out by the same Individuals.
Meeting closed at 9.20pm
Tuesday 13th October 2020. 8pm – Zoom meeting
Present: Paul Baines, David Gilliver, Terry Baines, Alan Smith, Trevor Goldhagen, Bill Norman, Dave Baxter, Ian Morley, Tom Osbourne
Apologies: Darren McGrath, Tom McKellow,
- Introduction and apologies for absence
- Minutes of 2019 AGM read by Baino - confirmed as fair and accurate
- Matters Arising
The club has been placed in Div 3 and Div 7.
Tom O mentioned a grant (Return to cricket grant) that was available to clubs that had been severely affected by Covid and lockdown. It was felt that we couldn’t demonstrate this enough (even though we had been unable to fundraise).
Baino reported that although the club had ‘locked down’, that it was in good financial health.
The lease of the ground is up for renewal in 2023. The Goodwins have renewed for the last 70 years, so no reason to think they wouldn’t again. It is usually 5 year rolling but is now 15 years rolling. It was agreed that Baino would find out the notice we need to be given should they not want to renew.
- Elections of officers
- First XI Captain: Bill Norman happy to carry-on and agreed by all.
- First XI Vice-Captain: Jack Prideaux nominated and agreed by all.
- Second XI Captain: Ian Prideaux nominated and agreed by all.
- Second XI Vice-Captain: Darren McGrath nominated and agreed by all.
- League Rep: Terry Baines happy to carry-on and agreed by all.
- Fixture Secretary: Paul Baines happy to carry-on and agreed by all.
- Players Rep: Tony Williams happy to carry-on and agreed by all.
Thanks to the outgoing players / members for their sterling work.
- Net Sessions
We did no use last year’s slots as they were cancelled due to the Covid lockdown. Trevor will ask Sutton Valance on the plans for this year, when the time is right.
- Spring Cleaning
Good Friday as per usual. Baino to select a day in addition to this once Spring springs.
- Grounds and Equipment
A good start has been made on the cricket net and the new car park area. Thanks to those who have put n the work, and to The Rookery Estates.
The net needs to be completed. It is slightly more complicated than initially thought. Bill to work out the budget needed so it can be put to the committee. Aim to finish in time for the new season.
Sight Screen. DG read the following email from Matt Brooke:
“The club spent £1200 on a mobile cricket net. Someone then attached a huge white sheet to it to act as a mobile sight screen. This is now so bent and buckled by the wind acting like a sail, twisting the frame of the net that the cricket net is almost unusable. On the other side of the pitch we have a white sheet held up by a 200 ft zip line. This also doesn’t work and is not fit for purpose. In fact the load being put through a bracket that isnt square to the wall of the pavilion is a H+S issue.
I would suggest that the club has wasted money on these 'adaptions' and should purchase new purpose build sight screens. I think these are required in Div3 cricket anyway. I don't know if these 'adaptions' are decided at any meeting as I don't attend but I feel that actively damaging decent equipment with bad decisions like this does the club no favours. We have effectively spent £1,600 (?) and we now have a net that doesn't function and a 2 sight screens that don't function.
In fact, this 'dads army' approach puts people off wanting to support the club in purchasing new equipment or going to meetings when unilateral decisions are made that make no logical sense and, in my mind, actively damage others attempts to drive improvements.
If you would like a financial contribution to new sight screens i would be happy to support the club in that respect.
Initial replies to this are that it is a bit harsh but contains lots of facts. Baino is of the opinion that a ‘zip wire and sail’ design is fine for our purposes and the ‘old net and screen’ design is also suitable, but it should not be left out during the winter. Baino confirmed there is no requirement for a net in Division 3, but there is in Division 2 but there is no quality criteria. Alan suggests getting a heavier and new white sheet. It was agreed that if Matt wanted to come up with a solution and cost it out with a proposal for funding, then the committee would vote on it. DG to email suggestion to Matt.
New sight screens would cost £2,000 - £4,000 each.
It was reported by Baino that the thatch capping, cost of £4,000, had been agreed by the committee and would be arranged for the Spring 2021. It’s in the lease to upkeep the building. The land-owner does not want an alternative to thatch (i.e. Kent peg tiles).
The club has the go ahead on the program of tree pruning, from the council. We will do this in house at the put £1,000 for chopping and tidying. It needs to be done in Feb / March when they are out of leaf. There are 24 trees in total.
We have a new mower, which cost £2,500 and there are plenty of weekly chores for any volunteers!
- Fixtures
The club will compete in Divisions 3 and 7. We will try and arrange 2 pre-season friendlies and 3 post-season friendlies. We will compete in the National Village Cup again.
- Players
We are losing some players, but it is agreed that we have enough for two teams. Last season was the first time we had to disappoint people as we had too many.
- Max Tax / Club Subs
The treasurer has not asked for an increase.
The club subs to remain at £25 per annum and cricket match tax at £15 per week.
The club has 2 card readers available for use by all sports teams.
11. Teas
It was asked whether we should go back to making teas again next season. Trevor suggested providing tea and a cake, and the players bring their own. Alan questioned whether this is a club or a league decision. In the end it was decided to go back to making teas. We need to make it for the opposition, as they will for us.
12. AOB
12.1 There will be no end of season awards.
12.2 Succession: Trevor re-iterated his point from the last AGM that there are no succession plans and that most of the work in carried out by the same Individuals.
Meeting closed at 9.20pm