Tuesday 18th June 2019, 8.15pm start @ ‘The Hut’, Elmscroft Park
Present: Paul Baines, Gary French, Paul Beck, Ian Pearce, David Gilliver, Karim Habibi, Steve Whitehead, Jack Irwin-Smith, Richard Ward, Jason Sadler, Jack Matthews, Darren Latter, Jon Beck, Michael Harold, Jake Griggs
Apologies: Pete Baggott, Terry Baines, James Beck
1stTeam Manager: Paul Beck happy to continue – confirmed.
2ndTeam Manager(s): Gary and Pearcy to step down (Pearcy happy to help out the new man). Darren Latter put himself forward and was confirmed. Marcus and Tricky to assist.
Veterans: Andy Starr suggested and confirmed. Starry to get team together and manage match-day. Baino to arrange fixtures.
Juniors: Paul Beck to continue to run this important side to the club. It’s going very well.
1stTeam Captain: Mike to stand down. Steve Whitehead suggested and confirmed.
1stTeam Vice-Captain: JIS stood up and was confirmed.
2ndTeam Captain and Vice-Captain: To be decided at a later date by Darren.
Club Captain: Previously this is usually the 1stTeam Football captain. Steve is happy to step up and do this but it is to be reviewed at a later date.
Players Rep: Baino suggested Jack Matthews and he was happy to do it and was confirmed.
Players lost: Sean (Goalie) and Alex (Injured). Alex may return.
It was agreed by all that we need more players. ‘Quality over quantity’. Wateringbury have folded – players that know their players to approach them. An advert to be placed by Dave with Sevenoaks League and Kent League websites. Generally, the best way forward is ‘mates of mates’. Everyone to have a think of who they can get along to training.
Dave raised concerns over Vets playing squad. Ideally a few reserves would drop down. Starry and Dave to approach some ex-players from previous years.
Darren commented that training needs to be well attended and with decent equipment.
Training to start at home pitch on Tuesday and Thursday evenings during Summer months.
Training to switch to Valley Park for Winter months. 1/3 of one pitch. Thursdays, 8-9pm. Karim to let dave know the dates to confirm the booking with Valley Park.
Karim has set up 5 pre-season games, all in August. He will continue to arrange the schedule.
Dave to discuss with 1stand 2ndTeam managers to decide which cups to enter.
Discussions are ongoing re the 2ndpitch idea. Landlord is on-board. We are waiting for FA to respond with regards to the possibility of a grant. Their requirements on the use of the pitch may mean we press ahead independent of them.
Baino summarized a positive pitch report carried out by the FA.
The nearest 6 yard box needs some work, and the goalmouth needs to be roped off to keep people from using it.
We now have a container down by the pitch. Meeting was made aware that there was another break-in at the Cricket Ground, the night before.
Russell Firman wants to buy one of the old tow mowers.
We need a tractor. The Dandelion Club’s Grey tractor, that we borrowed, has been returned. We can use their Green “Chinese” one for use with the scarifier.
Kits: No need for new kits. We will need some new socks.
Training kit: We need to upgrade and replace some equipment. Steve and Becky to do an inventory and then see what we need. Definitely need training balls, poles.
We need some new corner flags. The Good Intent were to buy these. Karim to follow up.
Medical Bag needs re-stocking and updating.
Football Hut looks good. Jack did a good job decorating and it would be good to continue the work throughout. The window damaged during the break-in needs replacing. Baino to ask Britelite for a quote.
Currently £10 (including £2 towards annual subs) – no change.
Gary mentioned that there is £300 o/s from last season from various players (whom have all been told). This needs to be cleared.
Mike asked if £1 of the £10 was still put aside for tour. Baino and Gary confirmed that it was.
Matt Smith is arranging this. The number of tourists currently at 22 including 5 ‘tour virgins’.
Tricky summarised the itinerary.
Baino to find out if the Marquee needs to be erected.
Fireworks are going ahead and will be arranged by the club. The Christmas Draw will not go ahead as it’s out-dated. There may be room for another event – possibly a Race Night.
Do we need a Communications secretary? No volunteers.
Becky reported from the Kent League AGM. Summarised the rule changes, the teams in our division and that WF were awarded £100 for admin discipline.
Meeting closed at 9.35pm
Tuesday 18th June 2019, 8.15pm start @ ‘The Hut’, Elmscroft Park
Present: Paul Baines, Gary French, Paul Beck, Ian Pearce, David Gilliver, Karim Habibi, Steve Whitehead, Jack Irwin-Smith, Richard Ward, Jason Sadler, Jack Matthews, Darren Latter, Jon Beck, Michael Harold, Jake Griggs
Apologies: Pete Baggott, Terry Baines, James Beck
- Minutes of 2018 AGM read by Baino. Confirmed as fair and accurate.
- Appointments
1stTeam Manager: Paul Beck happy to continue – confirmed.
2ndTeam Manager(s): Gary and Pearcy to step down (Pearcy happy to help out the new man). Darren Latter put himself forward and was confirmed. Marcus and Tricky to assist.
Veterans: Andy Starr suggested and confirmed. Starry to get team together and manage match-day. Baino to arrange fixtures.
Juniors: Paul Beck to continue to run this important side to the club. It’s going very well.
1stTeam Captain: Mike to stand down. Steve Whitehead suggested and confirmed.
1stTeam Vice-Captain: JIS stood up and was confirmed.
2ndTeam Captain and Vice-Captain: To be decided at a later date by Darren.
Club Captain: Previously this is usually the 1stTeam Football captain. Steve is happy to step up and do this but it is to be reviewed at a later date.
Players Rep: Baino suggested Jack Matthews and he was happy to do it and was confirmed.
- Playing Squads
Players lost: Sean (Goalie) and Alex (Injured). Alex may return.
It was agreed by all that we need more players. ‘Quality over quantity’. Wateringbury have folded – players that know their players to approach them. An advert to be placed by Dave with Sevenoaks League and Kent League websites. Generally, the best way forward is ‘mates of mates’. Everyone to have a think of who they can get along to training.
Dave raised concerns over Vets playing squad. Ideally a few reserves would drop down. Starry and Dave to approach some ex-players from previous years.
- Training
Darren commented that training needs to be well attended and with decent equipment.
Training to start at home pitch on Tuesday and Thursday evenings during Summer months.
Training to switch to Valley Park for Winter months. 1/3 of one pitch. Thursdays, 8-9pm. Karim to let dave know the dates to confirm the booking with Valley Park.
- Friendlies
Karim has set up 5 pre-season games, all in August. He will continue to arrange the schedule.
- Cups
Dave to discuss with 1stand 2ndTeam managers to decide which cups to enter.
- Ground and Equipment
Discussions are ongoing re the 2ndpitch idea. Landlord is on-board. We are waiting for FA to respond with regards to the possibility of a grant. Their requirements on the use of the pitch may mean we press ahead independent of them.
Baino summarized a positive pitch report carried out by the FA.
The nearest 6 yard box needs some work, and the goalmouth needs to be roped off to keep people from using it.
We now have a container down by the pitch. Meeting was made aware that there was another break-in at the Cricket Ground, the night before.
Russell Firman wants to buy one of the old tow mowers.
We need a tractor. The Dandelion Club’s Grey tractor, that we borrowed, has been returned. We can use their Green “Chinese” one for use with the scarifier.
Kits: No need for new kits. We will need some new socks.
Training kit: We need to upgrade and replace some equipment. Steve and Becky to do an inventory and then see what we need. Definitely need training balls, poles.
We need some new corner flags. The Good Intent were to buy these. Karim to follow up.
Medical Bag needs re-stocking and updating.
Football Hut looks good. Jack did a good job decorating and it would be good to continue the work throughout. The window damaged during the break-in needs replacing. Baino to ask Britelite for a quote.
- Match-Tax
Currently £10 (including £2 towards annual subs) – no change.
Gary mentioned that there is £300 o/s from last season from various players (whom have all been told). This needs to be cleared.
Mike asked if £1 of the £10 was still put aside for tour. Baino and Gary confirmed that it was.
- Tour:
Matt Smith is arranging this. The number of tourists currently at 22 including 5 ‘tour virgins’.
Tricky summarised the itinerary.
Baino to find out if the Marquee needs to be erected.
- Fundraising
Fireworks are going ahead and will be arranged by the club. The Christmas Draw will not go ahead as it’s out-dated. There may be room for another event – possibly a Race Night.
Do we need a Communications secretary? No volunteers.
Becky reported from the Kent League AGM. Summarised the rule changes, the teams in our division and that WF were awarded £100 for admin discipline.
Meeting closed at 9.35pm