86th AGM of West Farleigh Sports Club
6th May 2015, at The Hut
Peter Baggott PAB, Matt Smith MS, John Gladwin JG, Ian Pearce IP, Ian Payne IRP, Terry Baines TB, Paul Baines PJB, Mick Sands MS1, Jack Martin JM, Kerry French KF, Mike Harold MH, Gary French GDF, Darrren Latter DL, Richard Ward RW, Paul Beck PB, John Beck JB
Apologies: MB, JA, AB, KH
Matters Arising: There were no matters arising from the absent minutes
Treasures report: Money generated from sporting activities does not cover the running of the club. Money in bank £17,331, however greater support and fund raising events are required to keep the club moving in the right direction.
Proposed IP, GDF
Election of officers:
President: Jack to stand down, having been at the club 60 yrs. He feels the club is in a period of change and needs to be handed over to younger members. He feels Stephen Norman as a major benefactor of the club would be a good President
Stephen Norman proposed by Jack Martin , seconded by Terry Baines, carried and accepted.
Chairman: Peter Baggot also wants to stand down and hand over to younger members. terry speaks on behalf of the club and thanks Peter and Jack for the long service he has given to the club in various roles and the healthy state they have left the club
Paul Baines proposed by Terry Baines and seconded by Ian Pearce. carried and accepted
Paul Baines gives his acceptance speech.
Vice-chairman: Terry Baines stands down as well to hand over to the new guard. As he feels it's time to give a fresh man of 40yrs old a chance.
Ian Pearce proposed by Terry Baines, seconded by Mick Sands, carried and accepted.
Secretary: Ian Payne surprising stands down as he can't offer the time to club
Matt Smith proposed by Ian Payne and seconded by Kerry French, carried and accepted.
Treasurer: Kerry French is struggling with time but will support the for Gary. Kev Shilling is happy to help out if needed
Gary proposed by Kerry French and seconded by Jon Beck, carried and accepted.
Baino still hopes the old committee to the support the new one, as there is a lot of experience (250+)
Vice Presidents: we have lost P Wise, A, Newman, Mrs E C H Morgan Mrs J Collins, so removed from list.
John Bosely nominated to be VP by Ian Pearce, Seconded by Terry Baines, carried.
Jill Morgan nominated by Jack Martin, seconded by Paul Baines, carried.
Letter to all VP's explaining the changes in the club - MS
Ton up: Jack Martin proposed to up the monthly prises to , £30, £20 and £10. Carried
1st: 78 Micky Back £30
2nd: 22 Jack Martin £20
3rd: 62 Yvonne Martin £10
AOB: Paul Beck confirmed that the kids section to be incorporated into the Sports Club. Proposed by Matt Smith , seconded by Gary French carried.
Becky to be representative for the youth on the committee. John will ensure a member from the vets attends every meeting.
Matt Smith gave a summary of the Kent League application.
Ian Payne thanks Baino for the work on the car park
Meeting closed at 9.50pm
6th May 2015, at The Hut
Peter Baggott PAB, Matt Smith MS, John Gladwin JG, Ian Pearce IP, Ian Payne IRP, Terry Baines TB, Paul Baines PJB, Mick Sands MS1, Jack Martin JM, Kerry French KF, Mike Harold MH, Gary French GDF, Darrren Latter DL, Richard Ward RW, Paul Beck PB, John Beck JB
Apologies: MB, JA, AB, KH
Matters Arising: There were no matters arising from the absent minutes
Treasures report: Money generated from sporting activities does not cover the running of the club. Money in bank £17,331, however greater support and fund raising events are required to keep the club moving in the right direction.
Proposed IP, GDF
Election of officers:
President: Jack to stand down, having been at the club 60 yrs. He feels the club is in a period of change and needs to be handed over to younger members. He feels Stephen Norman as a major benefactor of the club would be a good President
Stephen Norman proposed by Jack Martin , seconded by Terry Baines, carried and accepted.
Chairman: Peter Baggot also wants to stand down and hand over to younger members. terry speaks on behalf of the club and thanks Peter and Jack for the long service he has given to the club in various roles and the healthy state they have left the club
Paul Baines proposed by Terry Baines and seconded by Ian Pearce. carried and accepted
Paul Baines gives his acceptance speech.
Vice-chairman: Terry Baines stands down as well to hand over to the new guard. As he feels it's time to give a fresh man of 40yrs old a chance.
Ian Pearce proposed by Terry Baines, seconded by Mick Sands, carried and accepted.
Secretary: Ian Payne surprising stands down as he can't offer the time to club
Matt Smith proposed by Ian Payne and seconded by Kerry French, carried and accepted.
Treasurer: Kerry French is struggling with time but will support the for Gary. Kev Shilling is happy to help out if needed
Gary proposed by Kerry French and seconded by Jon Beck, carried and accepted.
Baino still hopes the old committee to the support the new one, as there is a lot of experience (250+)
Vice Presidents: we have lost P Wise, A, Newman, Mrs E C H Morgan Mrs J Collins, so removed from list.
John Bosely nominated to be VP by Ian Pearce, Seconded by Terry Baines, carried.
Jill Morgan nominated by Jack Martin, seconded by Paul Baines, carried.
Letter to all VP's explaining the changes in the club - MS
Ton up: Jack Martin proposed to up the monthly prises to , £30, £20 and £10. Carried
1st: 78 Micky Back £30
2nd: 22 Jack Martin £20
3rd: 62 Yvonne Martin £10
AOB: Paul Beck confirmed that the kids section to be incorporated into the Sports Club. Proposed by Matt Smith , seconded by Gary French carried.
Becky to be representative for the youth on the committee. John will ensure a member from the vets attends every meeting.
Matt Smith gave a summary of the Kent League application.
Ian Payne thanks Baino for the work on the car park
Meeting closed at 9.50pm