West Farleigh Sports Club would like to thank all those who made the new Hut possible. These include:
The Norman Family of Smiths Hall![]() Without their help, support and generosity 'The Hut' would have not gotten out of the ground.
Football Foundation
![]() The Football Foundation is the UK’s largest sports’ charity. Funded by the Premier League, The Football Association and the Government, the Foundation directs £30m every year into grass roots sport.
Kent County Council
![]() It provides the upper tier of elected local government, below which are 12 district councils, and around 300 town and parish councils.
Mr. Ian Payne
![]() Of course, there are many, many people to thank: for one, Matt Smith for asking "Why not?" in the first place, but if it wasn't for one man who steered the whole process through inception, sourcing grants, ploughing through bureaucracy and who had that 'can do' attitude that made it all possible, namely Mr Ian Payne, it would have all been just a dream. Thank you!
Sport England
![]() Sport England is focused on helping people and communities across the country create a sporting habit for life
Kent Playing Fields Association
![]() Grant aid is available to parish councils and voluntary organisations towards the cost of providing children's recreational facilities only. The maximum grant is £1,000
Other Major Donors include: